- Last Updated: May 24, 2020
Gun Rack Plans And Ideas Every Gun Owner Should Know
By Bruce Reno
Gun Rack Plans Overview
Firearm owners and enthusiasts should know that it is vital for them to have decent storage for their weapons inside their homes or even in their cars. Your weapons must be kept hidden to avoid burglary or any illegal access. The most famous firearm storages are truck gun rack and wall gun rack. But there are still more innovative ideas or gun rack plans to store your guns.
Basic Gun Rack Plans
Most gun owners wish to provide their weapons the best storage for their weapons. It’s not hard actually because there are varieties of options to choose from. If you are looking for the best deals at an affordable price, you can wait for big discount offers from different shops or even from Black Friday gun safe sale. If you are considering creating your own, you must learn from many free tutorials on how to build a gun rack, and many of the best free plans and ideas show off. You can read and watch these tutorials for free, so it makes it even more affordable to build it.
Wood today is a very popular material to be used for your woodworking rifle storage. Owners want that nice finish from a wooden gun rack because it’s easy to maintain. You have two choices for free woodworking projects if you want it unfinished or provide some varnished look for the wood gun rack. But in any case that you want to build a more elegant feature for the wooden gun safe display purposes, you can always choose or buy a top wooden gun rack with complex wood carvings.
If you use metal for your firearm racks plans, you are thinking about the quantity rather than use it for display purposes. It is more durable and can give maximum space for your top weapons, including rifles and more. Usually, it is used in police stations or armories.
This is a perfect wall rack type for people who utilize their guns all the time. Free vertical plans for the wall rack storage offer easy access to their top weapons also. With this type, you can use metals and woodworking ideas as your top materials.
This rack type has a whole side view of horizontal plans. It is made ideally to display your weapons or guns at home or in your firearms area. The only downside is the limited space to store your guns so you can’t buy one if you have a lot of weapons. In this type, you can use metals and woodworking ideas as your top materials to create it.
Freestanding Vertical Rifle Rack
The best thing about this firearm rack is it can stand on the floor. And it’s an ideal choice for owners who use their weapons more often.
Rotary Rifle Rack
From the name itself, it is made simple where you can just spin the wheel of this rack for easy access to your firearm shelf.
More Gun Rack Ideas
If you want to find more free gun rack plans, features, and designs, you can review these clever ways firearm owners would want to consider for their gun rack plans.
1. Gun Cabinet with Secret Storage
This design works for firearms owners who love to showcase their weapons but, at the same time, hide some of it. This cabinet can be customized and will look just normal storage but with a secret section under it. The cabinet sometimes has woodworking features so you can easily personalize it.
2. Pickup Truck Gun Rack
Aesthetically, a right pickup truck gun rack is pleasing to the eyes. That’s why many firearm owners love to install it on their trucks. Sometimes, you want people to know when they can go camping or hunt out. You can always drive in style!
3. Gun Safe as Coffee Table
The best thing about this gun rack is that it can be a coffee table and, at the same time, function as firearms safe or shelf too. It is made with a nice finishing and detachable lid, which makes this storage ideal for rifle owners.
4. Picture Frame Gun Safe
It is the best way to hide your weapons from burglars or robbers. With this weapon storage behind a frame, you are getting a safe compartment for your guns in style.
5. Gun Holder for Truck
It is designed small to fit in a place near the driver. The idea is to easily open the storage by the owner if he needs to. It can hold a couple of clips, ammo, and a handgun. Technically, this gun safe for truck needs to fit underneath glove storage or beside the passenger’s seat. To hold it in the right place, it has to be tethered.
6. Secret Gun Compartment
With this kind of weapon storage, you can easily hide the weapon by just using a wall decor or mirror, perhaps. Nobody will know that your firearm is hidden behind safely.
7. Headboard as Gun Safe
There are firearm owners who want to keep their weapons close to their bed. So the idea is to create a DIY headboard with a firearm safe in it. They can easily access their weapons if needed, even during nighttime.
8. Dresser as Gun Cabinet
Do not put away your old dresser behind because this can be a great deal for your firearms storage. Who will suspect that your weapons are hidden on that furniture? You can easily install an efficient rack or shelf inside it, enough to store all your weapons.
9. Horizontal Gun Rack
This gun rack has been very popular in the U.S. for many years now. It provides maximum and quality security for any brand and model of weapons. The firearm hanger and shelf are entirely crafted, which provides great storage for your firearms. It has a stylish horizontal gun rack display that enables you to flaunt your collection at home.
Long Gun Storage Ideas
Say goodbye to those days that you still bury your guns just to keep it. Hiding your weapons off-site makes it a useless firearm whenever there is an emergency. Not giving it the proper care can downgrade the quality of your weapon. Good thing these days, there are different ways, free plans, or ideas to keep your weapons from small to long gun storage plans. It must be accessible safely to make sure that you and your family are all safe. In keeping your guns, you have to store it in the proper compartment to maintain the integrity of the firearm. Here are some of the reasons why long gun storage is essential.
- It keeps your weapons stored perfectly and securely, so unauthorized people, especially children, cannot access it.
- It keeps your weapon protected nicely.
- It’s more secure from burglars but available anytime needed.
In owning a weapon, you have to understand the ways to care for it properly. Your firearms need the right maintenance, too, like using high-quality gun oil for it. It makes a big difference in the overall performance of the firearm and shows how effective it is. In choosing the best gun oil, there are lots to choose from in the market, and each has its respective pros and cons that you have to consider also to pick the right one for your guns.
DIY Wall Gun Rack or DIY Gun Safe
Firearm storage is providing a safe place for your weapons. But sometimes the price for the tools and materials is not that low. Weapon owners still wanted it, but they believe they are unable to get it for their weapons because of a tight budget. The good news is, they can build your very own firearm compartment through DIY!
In acquiring guns, you have to be a responsible owner too. And becoming responsible means, you must know how to keep it properly. If you can’t buy that ready-made storage available in the market, at least create it on your own. Remember always to secure your weapons, and a rack or shelf can give you the confidence to keep it safely under your possession.
As a firearms owner, you must know your responsibilities in handling a weapon. This includes having the right gun racks for it, especially if you are having a wide collection of firearms. Those who are living with children at home, you must have certain precautions too and keep it away from them. It’s not complicated to own a firearm rack these days because there are many choices. If you are thinking about the price, then it’s much cheaper to DIY it. You can read or watch a lot of free tutorials, so you will have top ideas on how to start with these free woodworking projects and more for your rifles. It needs proper gun rack plans, ideas, and creativity to pull it off.